Results - Waterchase Golf Club - Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Flight Winners
  First Flight     (1-11)     Second Flight     (12-17)  
(1) Kayser, Bill 77 - 70 $28.00 (1) Coburn, Bob 81 - 64 $28.00
(2) McMahan, Tom 80 - 71 $26.00 (2) Fargo, Dick 80 - 68 $25.00
(3) Carmen, Rich 80 - 72 $24.00 (2) Clark, Gene 83 - 68 $25.00
(4) Hatfield, Tom 78 - 73 $20.00 (4) Melton, Don 83 - 69 $22.00
(4) Nitcholas, Bill 80 - 73 $20.00 (5) Price, Paul 88 - 71 $20.00
(4) Wood, Mike 84 - 73 $20.00 (6) Robinson, Ben 85 - 72 $18.00 SCP
  Third Flight     (18-36)  
(1) Schmidt, Harry 78 - 60 $28.00
(2) DeSarno, Rodger 88 - 68 $26.00
(3) Wood, Bobby 92 - 72 $24.00
(4) Vestal, Mike 91 - 73 $20.00
(4) Thompson, Joe 92 - 73 $20.00
(4) Bell, Gerry 95 - 73 $20.00
SCP indicates a score card playoff. Closest to the Pin ($5.00) Low Gross  
Hall, Dick Kayser, Bill 77
Strobel, Tim
Cook, Randy
Lockman, Harold Low Net  
Price, Paul Schmidt, Harry 60
CTP MARKERS Remember to replace it if you move it to putt.
SHOTGUN STARTS Please put your starting hole number on the score card.
TOURNAMENT Sign up or cancel at, or contact Rod Wells at [email protected] / 972-699-0644.
PLAYERS There were 54 golfers at Waterchase Golf Club - Wednesday, December 17, 2014.
Skins Winners
Each Skin $14.00 Each Skin $4.00
  Regular Pool Hole   Score Age 75 and Over Hole   Score
Barker, Mike 1 Birdie Lockman, Harold 1 Birdie
Kayser, Bill 7 Birdie Robertson, Stan 3 Par
Hatfield, Tom 8 Birdie Robinson, Ben 5 Birdie
Kayser, Bill 9 Birdie Lockman, Harold 6 Birdie
McMahan, Tom 12 Birdie Robinson, Ben 12 Par
Hatfield, Tom 13 Birdie Robinson, Ben 17 Birdie
Nitcholas, Bill 15 Birdie Lockman, Harold 18 Par
Kohut, John 17 Birdie
Each Skin $12.00
  16 and Over Hcp Hole   Score
Schmidt, Harry 3 Birdie
Schmidt, Harry 5 Par
Vestal, Mike 7 Birdie
Thompson, Joe 9 Birdie
Schmidt, Harry 12 Birdie
Sykes, Phil 14 Par
Schmidt, Harry 18 Par
Two Man Teams Winners   # Teams:  126     Pot:  $252.00  
            Net     Each                    
(1) Kayser, Bill & Schmidt, Harry 130 $10.00
(2) McMahan, Tom & Schmidt, Harry 131 $9.00
(3) Wood, Bobby & Coburn, Bob 136 $8.00
(4) Thompson, Joe & Coburn, Bob 137 $7.00
(5) Kayser, Bill & Fargo, Dick 138 $6.00
(6) McMahan, Tom & Fargo, Dick 139 $5.00
(7) Rogers, Joel & Coburn, Bob 139 $5.00
(8) Wood, Bobby & Clark, Gene 140 $4.00
(9) Clark, Gene & Thompson, Joe 141 $3.00
(10) Delcambre, Gary & Clark, Gene 141 $3.00
(11) McMahan, Tom & Kayser, Bill 141 $3.00
(12) Vestal, Mike & Clark, Gene 141 $3.00
(13) Clark, Gene & Rogers, Joel 143 $3.00
(14) McMahan, Tom & Carmen, Rich 143 $3.00
(15) Price, Paul & Robertson, Stan 143 $3.00
(16) Robinson, Ben & Price, Paul 143 $3.00
(17) Wood, Bobby & Price, Paul 143 $3.00
(18) Price, Paul & Thompson, Joe 144 $3.00
(19) Robinson, Ben & Robertson, Stan 144 $3.00
(20) Wood, Bobby & Carmen, Rich 144 $3.00
(21) Wood, Bobby & Robertson, Stan 144 $3.00
(22) Wood, Bobby & Robinson, Ben 144 $3.00
(23) Carmen, Rich & Hatfield, Tom 145 $3.00
(24) Carmen, Rich & Thompson, Joe 145 $3.00
(25) Kayser, Bill & Rogers, Joel 145 $3.00
(26) Minter, Joe & Thompson, Joe 145 $3.00
(27) Nitcholas, Bill & Carmen, Rich 145 $3.00
(28) Robinson, Ben & Thompson, Joe 145 $3.00
(29) Thompson, Joe & Robertson, Stan 145 $3.00
(30) Vestal, Mike & Minter, Joe 145 $3.00
(31) Wood, Bobby & Delcambre, Gary 145 $3.00
(32) Wood, Bobby & Thompson, Joe 145 $3.00