North Texas Senior Golf Association
 North Texas Senior Golf Association
 The NTSGA is a group of golfers, age 50 and up, who love the game of golf and practice the true spirit of the game.

Guest Handicaps after Hurricane Creek Country Club - January 25, 2017

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Member Waiting Guest  
Outside Guest  

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Click YTD Rounds to list rounds played.

Name  Index  LHI    LHI DateYTD
        Name  Index  LHI    LHI DateYTD
        Name  Index  LHI    LHI DateYTD
        Name  Index  LHI    LHI DateYTD
Agnew, Mitchell * 21.2    N/A    0        Ezelle, Marty * 0.0    N/A    0        Lewis, Charles * 0.0    N/A    0        Rohman, Jeff * 0.0    N/A    0        
Allen, Joe * 0.0    N/A    0        Fields, Wells * 0.0    N/A    0        Lippert, Todd * 0.0    N/A    0        Roland, John * 0.0    N/A    0        
Anderson, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Fox, Jim * 0.0    N/A    0        Logsdon, Mike * 0.0    N/A    0        Rollins, David * 0.0    N/A    0        
Anderson, Forbes * 0.0    N/A    0        Fry, Allen * 7.1    N/A    0        Lonergan, Sean * 17.8    N/A    0        Rowe, Jim * 0.0    N/A    0        
Arnold, Cal * 0.0    N/A    0        Gage, Phil * 0.0    N/A    0        Loughead, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Sanchez, Danny * 0.0    N/A    0        
Baker, Billy * 0.0    N/A    0        Garvin, Rusty * 8.4    N/A    0        Lynn, Gary * 0.0    N/A    0        Sangha, Inderpreet * 0.0    N/A    0        
Barnes, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Garza, Lee * 0.0    N/A    0        Maier, Ed0.0    31.8    08-17-20220        Sasin, Tye * 10.3    N/A    0        
Bartone, John * 0.0    N/A    0        Gehle, Albert * 0.0    N/A    0        Martin, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Sawyers, Scott * 0.0    N/A    0        
Bell, Larry * 0.0    N/A    0        Giles, Darrell * 0.0    N/A    0        Mathews, Greg * 0.0    N/A    0        Scott, Michael * 0.0    N/A    0        
Bettinger, Jerry * 0.0    N/A    0        Giles, Dave * 0.0    N/A    0        Matsler, Toad * 0.0    N/A    0        Shell, Greg * 0.0    N/A    0        
Blanford, Richard * 0.0    N/A    0        Gilliam, Ike * 0.0    N/A    0        McAfee, James * 0.0    N/A    0        Shelton, Robert * 0.0    N/A    0        
Blasiar, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Gizbert, Andy * 0.0    N/A    0        McClaws, Shawn * 0.0    N/A    0        Sheppard Jr, Bobby * 0.0    N/A    0        
Boggan, Hal * 0.0    N/A    0        Glay, Randy * 14.8    N/A    0        McCoy, David17.6    15.0    11-25-20140        Smith, Carlton * 2.8    N/A    0        
Brewster, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Grim, Dwane * 7.1    N/A    0        McCrary, Dalton * 0.0    N/A    0        Spaulding, Britt * 0.0    N/A    0        
Brown, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Grimshaw, Greg * 7.2    N/A    0        McKenzie, Bob * 0.0    N/A    0        Stansfield, Tom * 0.0    N/A    0        
Bull, Eddie * 3.4    N/A    0        Hamilton, Dan * 0.0    N/A    0        Meadows, Rick * 0.0    N/A    0        Steeno, Chuck * 0.0    N/A    0        
Bumgardner, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Hansen, Matt * 0.0    N/A    0        Menzies, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Stephens, John * 5.5    N/A    0        
Bumpass, Mark * 0.0    N/A    0        Harbin, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Metcalf, Rusty * 0.0    N/A    0        Stewart, Bobby * 0.0    N/A    0        
Buncher, James * 0.0    N/A    0        Harris, Don * 4.2    N/A    0        Miles, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Stieneker, Jay * 0.0    N/A    0        
Burkholder, Keith * 0.0    N/A    0        Harrison, Ed * 0.0    N/A    0        Miller, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Stoke, Stanley * 0.0    N/A    0        
Butcher, Randy * 0.0    N/A    0        Hart, Russ * 0.0    N/A    0        Miller, Brad * 0.0    N/A    0        Stokes, Dustin * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cantu, Fred * 0.0    N/A    0        Hayes, Tim * 12.3    N/A    0        Miller, William * 0.0    N/A    0        Stovall, Pete * 0.0    N/A    0        
Capetillo, Raymond * 22.3    N/A    0        Henderson, Bruce * 0.0    N/A    0        Minchew, Gary * 0.0    N/A    0        Strawn, David * 9.6    N/A    0        
Carrazales, Vincent * 0.0    N/A    0        Henry, J. C. * 0.0    N/A    0        Mong, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Swichtenberg, Fred * 0.0    N/A    0        
Carroll, Freddie10.1    7.0    12-17-20140        Herrin, Mike * 0.0    N/A    0        Montgomery, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Taylor, Darryl * 0.0    N/A    0        
Carson, Don * 0.0    N/A    0        Hines, Fred * 0.0    N/A    0        Moore, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Teringo, James * 0.0    N/A    0        
Castro, Arnie * 0.0    N/A    0        Hodges, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Morse, Randy * 0.0    N/A    0        Terrazas, Larry * 0.0    N/A    0        
Chambless, Steven * 0.0    N/A    0        Holmes, Tucker * 0.0    N/A    0        Nagel, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Thakur, Dinesh * 2.0    N/A    0        
Christon, Ron * 0.0    N/A    0        Hook, Mike * 0.0    N/A    0        Neeley, Mike17.9    17.3    11-01-20171        Thomas, Randy * 0.0    N/A    0        
Clontz, Randle * 0.0    N/A    0        Hooton, Kenneth * 0.0    N/A    0        Newberry, Kevin * 0.0    N/A    0        Thompson, Larry * 23.6    N/A    0        
Coburn, Robby * 20.6    N/A    0        Hoppe, James * 0.0    N/A    0        Nolte, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Thorne, Dan * 0.0    N/A    0        
Coimbatore, Kumar * 0.0    N/A    0        Horowitz, Bruce * 0.0    N/A    0        Norwood, Kelly * 12.0    N/A    0        Thornton, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cook, Randy11.8    9.0    07-29-20150        Hougendobler, Greg * 9.0    N/A    0        Oberlander, Mark * 0.0    N/A    0        Thorpe, Sam * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cooper, Larry * 0.0    N/A    0        Hughes, Michael * 11.3    N/A    0        Orasco, Carlos * 0.0    N/A    0        Thorpe, Tom * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cotter, Joe * 0.0    N/A    0        Humphrey, Craig * 0.0    N/A    0        Orgain, Ben0.0    18.4    10-02-20190        Towell, Jim * 0.0    N/A    0        
Coulson, Doug * 6.0    N/A    0        Jacks, K.J. * 0.0    N/A    0        Otis, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Trudeau, Brad * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cox, Jere * 0.0    N/A    0        Jenkins, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Packer, Mark * 22.0    N/A    0        Vitangeli, John * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cravens, Joe * 0.0    N/A    0        Johnson, Doug * 0.0    N/A    0        Parker, Ricky * 0.0    N/A    0        Wands, Rob * 0.0    N/A    0        
Cravens, Jon * 0.0    N/A    0        Johnson, Kenny * 6.7    N/A    0        Partain, Pete * 0.0    N/A    0        Ward, Tim * 15.0    N/A    0        
Creech, Mike * 0.0    N/A    0        Johnson, Timmy0.0    15.7    11-17-20210        Patterson, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Waters, Tim * 0.0    N/A    0        
Crenshaw, Billy * 3.8    N/A    0        Jones, Neil * 0.0    N/A    0        Pearson, Preston * 0.0    N/A    0        Weekes, Randy * 0.0    N/A    0        
Crigler, James0.0    8.7    10-21-20200        Kane, Joseph * 0.0    N/A    0        Peek, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Weise, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        
Crumpton, Dale * 0.0    N/A    0        Kaplan, Aaron * 0.0    N/A    0        Pemberton, Doug * 9.6    N/A    0        Wells, Brent * 0.0    N/A    0        
Curry, Monte * 0.0    N/A    0        Kelley, Johnny * 0.0    N/A    0        Peterson, Ted * 2.0    N/A    0        West, Mitchell * 0.0    N/A    0        
Dale, John * 0.0    N/A    0        Kemp, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Pliler, Barry * 4.3    N/A    0        White, Greg * 2.4    N/A    0        
Daniel, Mark * 0.0    N/A    0        Kenyon Jr., Bob0.0    8.1    11-08-20230        Pomeroy, Paul * 0.0    N/A    0        Wilhite, Lawrence * 0.0    N/A    0        
Dempsey, George * 0.0    N/A    0        Kirkendall, Bill * 4.7    N/A    0        Poynter, Jim * 0.0    N/A    0        Williams, Jack * 0.0    N/A    0        
DeWitt, Kelly0.0    17.6    11-18-20200        Kitzmiller, Craig * 0.0    N/A    0        Pryor, C.J.21.1    22.3    08-22-20180        Wilson, Dave25.5    24.4    08-31-20160        
Domke, Michael * 0.0    N/A    0        Koepke, Thomas * 0.0    N/A    0        Rains, Roger * 0.0    N/A    0        Wilson, Glenn * 0.0    N/A    0        
Donaldson, David * 0.0    N/A    0        Koontz, Jeff * 0.0    N/A    0        Ramzy, John * 14.0    N/A    0        Windsor, Dennis * 0.0    N/A    0        
Duvall, Curtis * 0.0    N/A    0        Kouh, Jack * 0.0    N/A    0        Rao, Mallapur * 0.0    N/A    0        Wollenman, Tim * 0.0    N/A    0        
Egerton, Ted * 6.7    N/A    0        Laird, John * 0.0    N/A    0        Reid, Steve * 0.0    N/A    0        Yussman, Brian * 0.0    N/A    0        
Ehrlich, Bill * 0.0    N/A    0        Lamb, Stephen * 0.0    N/A    0        Reid, Tom * 0.0    N/A    0        Zemalis, Ken * 0.0    N/A    0        
Ellis, Doc * 0.0    N/A    0        Lane, Clive * 0.0    N/A    0        Robertson, Phil * 0.0    N/A    0        Ziegenfuss, Ron * 0.0    N/A    0        
Eubanks, Billy * 0.0    N/A    0        Leonard, Bud * 0.0    N/A    0        Robinson, Brian * 21.4    N/A    0          
  *  Less than 20 rounds
  **  Handicap Exemption
  (S)  Soft Cap triggered  (Index > 3.0 above Low Handicap Index)
  (H)  Hard Cap triggered (Index > 5.0 above Low Handicap Index)
  YTD rounds include rounds played plus administrative drops that were not late signups.
  USGA Equitable Stroke Control (ESC) in effect since July 1, 2018.

USGA Handicap Manual