North Texas Senior Golf Association

Results - Firewheel Golf Park (Bridges) - Champion and Masters - January 15, 2020

Tournament Format:  Stroke Play - Individual

Flight Winners
First Flight - Back   ( +1.0 - 7.6 )     Second Flight - Back   ( 7.7 - 12.9 )    
(1)  Ruth, Rob  69 - 70  $30.00         (1)  George, Randy  79 - 69  $31.00         
(1)  Wilkowsky, Harold  72 - 70  $30.00         (2)  Leal, John  78 - 70  $29.00         
(3)  Shackelford, Doug  76 - 74  $27.00         (3)  Ball, Roger  80 - 72  $27.00         
(4)  Goethals, Brad  74 - 75  $25.00         (4)  Smith, Frank  82 - 73  $25.00         
(5)  Grimes, Randy  74 - 76  $22.00    SCP     (5)  Hussey, Pat  81 - 74  $22.00    SCP     
(5)  Patrick, Dave  78 - 76  $22.00    SCP     (5)  Wells, Rod  81 - 74  $22.00    SCP     
Third Flight - Back   ( 13.0 - 17.8 )     Fourth Flight - Back   ( 17.9 - 28.4 )    
(1)  Smith, Dennis  85 - 70  $30.00         (1)  Ramos, Joe Ben  86 - 69  $29.00         
(1)  Meyer, Dennis  86 - 70  $30.00         (1)  Sanford, Ben  87 - 69  $29.00         
(3)  Culp, Clint  84 - 72  $27.00         (3)  Van Meter, Rick  92 - 71  $26.00         
(4)  Fryar, Dick  84 - 73  $25.00         (4)  Miller, George  89 - 72  $22.00    SCP     
(5)  Anderson, John  88 - 74  $22.00    SCP     (4)  Starkey, David  91 - 72  $22.00    SCP     
(5)  Bell, Terry  89 - 74  $22.00    SCP     (4)  Jones, Rodger  92 - 72  $22.00    SCP     
First Flight - Forward   ( 9.7 - 20.9 )     Second Flight - Forward   ( 21.0 - 41.2 )    
(1)  Miller, David  75 - 70  $23.00         (1)  Price, Paul  84 - 70  $23.00         
(2)  Walker, Jerry  83 - 71  $21.00         (2)  Wood, Bob  91 - 75  $21.00         
(3)  Rowley, Jim  78 - 72  $19.00         (3)  Rivard, Terry  91 - 76  $19.00         
(4)  Lewis, Bob  87 - 76  $16.00         (4)  Tharp, Johnny  96 - 77  $16.00         
(4)  Shelton, Joe  88 - 76  $16.00         (4)  Gebhardt, Larry  101 - 77  $16.00         
(6)  Kibler, Bill  89 - 77  $13.00    SCP     (6)  Robertson, Mike  91 - 78  $13.00         
SCP indicates a score card playoff  
Low Gross                Low Net                Age Shooters                Closest to the Pin  ($10.00)            
Ruth, Rob69            George, Randy69            Miller, David (81)75            Fryar, Dick5 (C)            
            Ramos, Joe Ben69            Wands, Bob (81)81            Patrick, Dave7 (C)            
            Sanford, Ben69                        Johnson, Charlie2 (M)            
                                    Eskridge, Scott5 (M)            
There were 127 members and 1 guest at Firewheel Golf Park (Bridges) on Wednesday, January 15, 2020.
Skins Winners (Net)
    Each Skin $38.00        Each Skin $18.00        
Net - 0+ (Back)HoleParScore        Net - 0+ (Forward)HoleParScore
George, Randy1 (C)5   4/4    Lindsey, Gene3 (C)4   4/3    
Starkey, David2 (C)4   4/3    Tharp, Johnny4 (C)4   4/3    
Sanford, Ben5 (C)3   2/1    Wood, Bob5 (C)3   3/2    
Windsor, Greg6 (C)4   4/3    Tharp, Johnny10 (M)4   4/3    
George, Randy8 (C)4   3/2    Fahs, Phil13 (M)4   4/3    
Sanford, Ben9 (C)5   4/4    Aston, Jeff15 (M)4   4/3    
Starkey, David16 (M)5   5/4    Robertson, Mike17 (M)5   4/4    
Bateman, James17 (M)5   4/4            
Skins Winners (Gross)  
    Each Skin $130.00        
Gross - 0+ (Back)HoleParScore
Jones, Mike8 (C)4     3    
Ruth, Rob13 (M)4     3    
Eskridge, Scott14 (M)3     2    
  Two Man Teams Winners                  Total Payout:$482.00                                                      
                    Tee Adjustment:    0                                                      
          Net  Each                  Net  Each
(1)Price, Paul & Smith, Dennis140$10.00    (28)Miller, David & Swanson, Ron148$  3.00    
(2)Culp, Clint & Miller, David142$  9.00    (29)Shackelford, Doug & Wands, Bob148$  3.00    
(3)Smith, Dennis & Ball, Roger142$  9.00    (30)Smith, Dennis & Johnson, Charlie148$  3.00    
(4)Smith, Dennis & Starkey, David142$  9.00    (31)Strobel, Tim & Wells, Rod148$  3.00    
(5)Ramos, Joe Ben & Wells, Rod143$  8.00    (32)Wands, Bob & Wells, Rod148$  3.00    
(6)Ball, Roger & Starkey, David144$  7.00    (33)Zimmerman, Gary & Hussey, Pat148$  3.00    
(7)Culp, Clint & Ball, Roger144$  7.00    (34)Zimmerman, Gary & Wells, Rod148$  3.00    
(8)Miller, David & Shackelford, Doug144$  7.00    (35)Bacharach, Howie & Wells, Rod149$  3.00    
(9)Ramos, Joe Ben & Medlin, Russ144$  7.00    (36)Culp, Clint & Gotcher, Gerald149$  3.00    
(10)Shackelford, Doug & Ruth, Rob144$  7.00    (37)Gotcher, Gerald & Ball, Roger149$  3.00    
(11)Smith, Dennis & Strobel, Tim144$  7.00    (38)Medlin, Russ & Wells, Rod149$  3.00    
(12)Smith, Dennis & Wells, Rod144$  7.00    (39)Price, Paul & Millaway, Danny149$  3.00    
(13)Wands, Bob & Ruth, Rob144$  7.00    (40)Ball, Roger & Johnson, Charlie150$  3.00    
(14)Medlin, Russ & Smith, Dennis145$  6.00    (41)Smith, Dennis & Cremer, Ron150$  3.00    
(15)Ball, Roger & Wells, Rod146$  5.00    (42)Starkey, David & Johnson, Charlie150$  3.00    
(16)Culp, Clint & Shackelford, Doug146$  5.00    (43)Gotcher, Gerald & Wells, Rod151$  3.00    
(17)Smith, Dennis & Patrick, Dave146$  5.00    (44)Wands, Bob & Mueller, Wayne151$  3.00    
(18)Strobel, Tim & Ball, Roger146$  5.00    (45)Wheeler, Joe Bob & Miller, David151$  3.00    
(19)Wands, Bob & Culp, Clint146$  5.00    (46)Bacharach, Howie & Gotcher, Gerald152$  3.00    
(20)Bacharach, Howie & Ball, Roger147$  4.00    (47)Ball, Roger & Cremer, Ron152$  3.00    
(21)Medlin, Russ & Ball, Roger147$  4.00    (48)Gotcher, Gerald & Medlin, Russ152$  3.00    
(22)Medlin, Russ & Starkey, David147$  4.00    (49)Lewis, Bob & Shelton, Joe152$  3.00    
(23)Nelson, Gary & Ruth, Rob147$  4.00    (50)Robinson, Ben & Price, Paul152$  3.00    
(24)Price, Paul & Lindsey, Gene147$  4.00    (51)Starkey, David & Cremer, Ron152$  3.00    
(25)Ruth, Rob & Gotcher, Gerald147$  4.00    (52)Swanson, Ron & Shackelford, Doug152$  3.00    
(26)Smith, Dennis & Gotcher, Gerald147$  4.00    (53)Wands, Bob & Swanson, Ron152$  3.00    
(27)Meyer, Dennis & Windsor, Greg148$  3.00