North Texas Senior Golf Association
 North Texas Senior Golf Association
 The NTSGA is a group of golfers, age 50 and up, who love the game of golf and practice the true spirit of the game.

Scores - Luna Vista Golf Course - July 3, 2024

Tournament Format:  Stroke Play - Individual

Printable Version

Handicaps as of May 29, 2024

Back Tees:Yellow(68.2/120)
Forward Tees:Red(65.2/108)
Member Waiting Guest  
Outside Guest  

Click on name to retrieve scorecard.

Player Tee    Score      Index    Crs  
  Net          Player Tee    Score      Index    Crs  
Anderson, John   Yellow  86  12.5  9  77      McKenzie, Bob   Red  95  21.3  14  81      
Arenas, Chris   Yellow  83  10.9  8  75      McMahan, Tom   Red  81  14.5  7  74      
Arnold, Frank   Red  87  21.5  14  73      Medlin, Russ   Yellow  92  17.3  15  77      
Bacharach, Howie   Yellow  87  15.3  12  75      Meyer, Dennis   Yellow  89  18.5  16  73      
Bennett, Rob   Yellow  79  10.2  7  72      Miles, Murray   Yellow  103  33.5  32  71      
Bruner, Bob   Yellow  80  12.1  9  71      Millaway, Danny   Red  89  19.5  12  77      
Byre, Everett   Yellow  100  15.8  13  87      Mulligan, Bob   Yellow  104  12.2  9  95      
Casselman, Steve   Yellow  80  7.0  4  76      Nelson, Gary   Yellow  78  6.4  3  75      
Chavarria, Frank   Yellow  92  20.1  18  74      Nowell, Scott   Yellow  WD  13.2  10  WD      
Cravens, John   Red  93  22.8  15  78      Nye, Charlie   Yellow  85  11.2  8  77      
Cunningham, Billy   Red  87  15.3  8  79      Parker, Andy   Red  98  25.9  18  80      
Daneshfar, Jalil   Yellow  81  8.9  6  75      Patrick, Dave   Yellow  78  4.3  1  77      
Davis, Kelly   Yellow  81  8.2  5  76      Peralta, Michael   Yellow  87  7.7  4  83      
Denzer, Greg   Red  97  24.8  17  80      Phillips, Tom   Yellow  95  19.1  16  79      
Duty, Bob   Yellow  103  25.6  23  80      Philpott, Joe   Red  84  15.6  8  76      
Edmondson, Gene   Yellow  100  23.0  21  79      Pohl, Matt   Yellow  84  8.3  5  79      
Fahs, Phil   Red  93  22.4  15  78      Prater, Elliott   Red  90  16.1  9  81      
Forrester, Jim   Yellow  83  9.0  6  77      Rohde, Dave   Yellow  78  5.6  2  76      
Gadient, Mark   Yellow  84  11.9  9  75      Rowley, Jim   Red  86  13.2  6  80      
Gawley, Jim   Yellow  87  12.2  9  78      Ruth, Rob   Yellow  73  2.4  +1  74      
Goethals, Brad   Yellow  WD  8.8  6  WD      Salem, Jay   Red  93  19.4  12  81      
Goethals, Ron   Red  WD  29.7  22  WD      Sanford, Larry   Yellow  85  10.0  7  78      
Gotcher, Gerald   Red  92  15.8  8  84      Schlueter, Tom   Yellow  73  3.5  0  73      
Grimes, Randy   Yellow  82  6.9  4  78      Shaw, Blake   Yellow  81  8.7  5  76      
Hall, Jim   Yellow  92  7.6  4  88      Shrewsbury, Jim   Yellow  92  13.3  10  82      
Hartman, Dan   Yellow  80  8.0  5  75      Smith, Chuck   Yellow  90  10.1  7  83      
Harwell, Mark   Yellow  96  9.9  7  89      Smithers, Brent   Yellow  85  10.1  7  78      
Hayslip, Bert   Yellow  91  13.7  11  80      Staron, Jim   Yellow  80  6.4  3  77      
Holomshek, Frank   Yellow  79  4.4  1  78      Steeno, Rick   Yellow  73  2.9  +1  74      
Horner, Steve   Yellow  88  13.8  11  77      Suzuki, Yuji   Yellow  82  0.0  +4  86      
Jones, Steve   Red  87  18.3  11  76      Taylor, Jeff   Red  106  25.4  17  89      
Kambury, Stu   Yellow  81  8.3  5  76      Thompson, Jack   Yellow  82  7.5  4  78      
Kasmiersky, Rusty   Yellow  84  11.7  9  75      Traver, Jon   Yellow  71  2.6  +1  72      
Kenyon, Bob   Red  104  22.7  15  89      Umberger, John   Yellow  94  20.6  18  76      
Kimberlin, Larry   Yellow  88  17.8  15  73      Vaut, Butch   Red  74  6.8  0  74      
Kinnamore, Dave   Yellow  84  11.0  8  76      Vestal, Mike   Red  98  25.9  18  80      
Krueger, Art   Red  108  30.8  23  85      Wells, Rod   Red  84  16.9  9  75      
Lambert, Bill   Yellow  78  8.8  6  72      Whitling, Jack   Yellow  69  1.7  +2  71      
Leal, John   Yellow  80  6.8  3  77      Wiley, Rick   Yellow  84  12.4  9  75      
Locklear, Dan   Yellow  97  15.1  12  85      Wojnas, Jay   Yellow  80  8.5  5  75      
Lopez, Charlie   Yellow  86  9.7  7  79      Worm, LeRoy   Red  88  27.9  20  68      
Manley, Russ   Red  99  23.4  16  83      Worthy, Bobby   Yellow  93  13.4  10  83      
Marks, Don   Red  87  19.1  11  76      Yarbrough, Jim   Red  96  22.3  15  81      
Mathura, Phil   Yellow  86  14.7  12  74      Zimmerman, Gary   Yellow  81  11.2  8  73      
Low Gross                                        Low Net                                        Age Shooters                                    
Whitling, Jack  69                                      Worm, LeRoy  68                                      McMahan, Tom (83)81                                    
                                                                            Vaut, Butch (80)74                                    
                                                                            Worm, LeRoy (91)88                                    
Total Players          
88   (86 members, 2 member waiting guests and 0 outside guests)